Common Facebook marketing mistakes

Common Facebook marketing mistakes

Facebook isn’t big. It’s massive and it keeps on growing with no sign of stopping anytime soon. Online you will find many articles, whitepapers, videos, infographics, and blogs that are dedicated to promote all the good things about Facebook marketing, and...

Enhancing your online PR strategy with social media

Twitter, Facebook, Google+, YouTube, and LinkedIn are all great channels. Simply having profiles on these channels doesn’t mean you will be successful with your social media marketing campaign without the basics of Online PR in place. These channels are all good...
Has your small website SEO stopped working?

Has your small website SEO stopped working?

Over the last couple of years, SEO has changed tremendously and SEO has stopped working for many small businesses. The rules have changed immensely and once you had many targeted visitors that was driving a healthy stream of leads and sales to your business, now the...