If you have decided to add a blog to your website to complement your internet marketing and social media strategy, where do you begin? Having a blog and regularly publishing articles can do wonders for your search engine optimisation campaign, but what are you going to write about? What topics are you going to select?
What you publish on your blog should interest your readers and be something that you are passionate about. This wil help you pick topics that will satisfy you and your target audience. What do you want to achieve with your blog? Do you want to talk about specific issues or news in your industry? Do you want to use it for educational marketing? Will you be targeting your existing customers? Answering these questions will also guide you on which areas to focus your blog topics on.
Selecting the best blog topics
Many times with blog marketing you would like to attract targeted visitors that are interested in your services or products. Start your topics by asking them specific questions that they need answers on and that might convince them to buy from you.
If you sold specific niche computer hardware, choose a topic that users interested in this will find valuable. Maybe you can publish the latest news in the industry or just general information and how to’s. Educational marketing through a blog could be powerful when done correctly.
If you specialise in management programs, you could publish a couple of blog posts/topics written by managers that have taken your program and could explain their experience in the position. People interested in this type of career would research what others are experiencing in the industry before they sign up. Give them the information that they are looking for.
It’s important with blogging that you should select topics and write the content on topics that you are interested in. Even though everyone says it’s free if you do it yourself, it does take time to get the ball rolling and time = money. Choose blog topics that makes sense for you and your business. To be successful with a blogging campaign and to yield positive results, be sure to commit to this in the long term. Trust me, it does pay off.