When you start with internet marketing and driving traffic to your website, did you know that if you lower the bounce rate of your website will definitely improve your conversion rate? Do you know what is “bounce rate”? The bounce rate is the percentage of people that leaves your website without browsing to other pages on your website.
A bounce rate of over 50% means that your website visitors doesn’t explore the other content on your website. One of the main goals with internet marketing is to drive traffic to your website and then converting them by grabbing their attention. If you have a high bounce rate, how can you improve your website to lower the bounce rate?
Decrease your website bounce rate
Topic specific: Keep your topics narrowly focused and topic specific. Most people are searching specific information and tips. If you supply them with a wide range of irrelevant information, they will leave. Be concise and clear with your topics.
Narrow down your focus: If you offer information that is broad and not specific, you will confuse the search engines and your visitors. Organize your content and main heading structure so that it is user friendly and to the point. Website visitors judges a book by its cover and if you confuse them, they will leave.
Easy to see offer: Place what you are offering above the fold so that it can be seen by anyone visiting your website. Place your offering/CTA on the top right corner of your website.
Navigation: When people arrive to your website and and they cannot find what they were looking for within a few seconds, they will leave. Use an easy to understand navigation that is user friendly.
Search field: Use a search field at the top of your website where people can search for information on your website. Website visitors can sometimes make use of the search rather than navigating the menu. Adding a search to your website makes it easy to find all the information on your website.