Did you know that marketing online is a science and it’s so much more than just technology. Internet marketing is all about the why and not the how. This method of marketing basically follows the same mechanics of traditional marketing, but at a much shorter time. The whole focus with internet marketing is all about your target audience, buyers, and understanding all their wants and needs to connect directly with them.
Find below 4 questions you should ask yourself before you start with an internet marketing campaign. By going through these questions, you’ll be able to create and optimize your strategy so that it works for you.
Internet marketing strategy questions
Who’s your target market? This is basically your best buyer. It’s very important that you identify who you want to reach with your campaign. You can optimize your website and blog to focus on these buyers. You can start doing this by creating a profile (buyer persona) on these buyers.
What does your target audience needs? This is the motivation and reason that they need your services or products. What specifically do they want you to help them with? You can create a focused message that can answer their needs. Grab your visitors attention, show them how you can help them, and build an interest with them.
What should they do? Your business website should be optimized with a specific objective in mind. There should always be a clear call to action and steps that you want your visitors to take. This could be to register for a newsletter, buy, request a quote, or more information. Guide your visitors through your call to actions.
How are they going to find your website? How are you going to generate traffic to your website? This could be through PPC, organic SEO, or social media. Either way you choose, it will always be based on keywords. Carefully select the keywords and phrased you want to target in your marketing message.
As you are planning how you are going to interact with your target audience, think about how you will be able to build confidence and trust in your website. What problems are you trying to solve for your target audience? How are you going to stand out from the crowd?
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