The most important part when starting out with search engine optimization and online marketing is researching the best keywords and phrases you are going to use with your campaign. Not just random keywords, you need the best ones that will increase your conversions. The best converting keywords attracts qualitative traffic that converts into buyers. How do you select the best keywords for your campaign? Select them by search volume, competition, buyer strength, and relevance.
Use your favorite keyword research tool like Google Sktool that allows you to generate a few keywords and phrases along with the competition and search volume for those keywords. Once you have a couple of keywords to play with, select the best ones that you can use in your campaign.
Keyword research tips.
Search volume: Keywords with a higher search volume can generate huge amounts of traffic to your website. Never make the mistake of choosing keywords with a high search volume that are not relevant. Sometimes choosing a couple of low search volume keywords can create more traffic.
Competition: What is the competition of the keywords you have chosen? How many competing pages are there targeting the same phrase? It’s always important to look at the strength of competition on your keywords to determine to which extend you should optimize your SEO campaign for a specific keyword.
Buyer strength: These are keywords and phrases that are specific. These includes phrases such as area, model, and other related keywords. These keywords are different than your normal information keywords because these shows an intent on taking an action.
Relevance: Your keywords should always be relevant to your services and products. The easiest way to find out which keywords to target is to list your services or products on a spreadsheet and selecting keywords from that list that describes it and that a user will type into Google to find out more.
Selecting the best keywords for your SEO campaign is important because SEO is all based on keyword research.