The “meta description” tags on your website pages are not directed at SEO straightforwardly, but they can attract targeted visitors to your website and blog adding quite a lot of value to your online marketing campaign. The “meta description tags are used as the description underneath the title on the search engine result pages of Google, so they have to be to the point and compelling. These tags should be relevant and unique on every page on your website and blog.
On the search engine result pages (SERP’s), the title meta tag serves as the title for the specific result. The meta description serves as the description of the result and when no meta description is defined on a page, Google will try to add their own, sometimes getting it completely wrong.
Did you know that you can optimize your meta description tag so that it could generate an action? You are only allowed 155 characters in your meta descriptions so it’s longer than a Tweet, but you have to be more creative with them so that they can result in an action. Find a couple of tips below on optimizing your meta description tags to get the best results.
Meta description optimization tips
Who’s your competitors? Look at the competitors in your market before you create your descriptions. What messages are they using? How can you make your descriptions better?
Meta descriptions should be relevant: Every page on your website should have a unique and relevant meta description that describe the content of the page. Make your descriptions compelling to draw in visitors.
Sales copy: The main purpose of meta descriptions is to encourage people searching on Google to click through to your website. Use call to actions in your meta descriptions. On your contact page, use your phone number so that your visitors can contact you directly without visiting your website.
Don’t focus only on keywords: The meta descriptions doesn’t affect your rankings directly, but the content in them should entice people to click through to your website. They are more about conversions than rankings.
Description length: Google only displays 160 characters so it’s pointless of creating longer meta descriptions as your message will be cut off. Focus on using only 155 characters so that you never exceed 160 characters.