Do you want to optimize your website and blog to start getting good rankings on Google? Did you know that if you optimize the title tags of your pages and posts can affect your organic SEO rankings and the visitors browsing your website and blog? Title tags are one of the easiest and best ways you can use to optimize your website for on page SEO.

Search engine Optimization consists of two methods called on page optimization and off page optimization. On page optimization involves everything involved with your physical website and blog. Off page optimization involves everything that happens off of your website such as link building, article marketing, etc. This is a process and better left to the experts, but if you are looking for a quick boost, start optimizing your title tags immediately.

On page SEO title tags

Research keywords and phrases: Any SEO optimization starts with keyword research. Research and select the best keywords and phrases that are relevant to the page. Try to select one primary keyword phrase and a secondary one. Be careful not to overdo it.

Most important keyword: Use your primary keyword in the beginning of the title tag as Google adds greater weight to words in the beginning. This helps Google on what the page is about.

Title length: Never use more than 75 characters in your title tag as this is the maximum number of characters that Google displays on the search results.

Unique: Use a unique title tag for every page and blog post. They should also be relevant and specific to the page they are on. Always avoid using duplicate title tags and write them for your visitors to entice them and the search engines. Make the title stand out to grab your visitors attention.

Optimizing your title tags is a quick way to start with on page SEO.