Twitter, Facebook, Google+, YouTube, and LinkedIn are all great channels. Simply having profiles on these channels doesn’t mean you will be successful with your social media marketing campaign without the basics of Online PR in place. These channels are all good and can be used in your social media strategy so that you can you build up brand authority and become known as the industry leader in your niche and market.
Do you have Online PR integrated into your campaign? Here’s a couple of tips that you can do to enhance your PR to make a success from your social media and internet marketing campaigns.
Enhancing your online PR with social media
Unique and interested content: All the channels available online will not help you if nobody reads your status updates, press releases, tweets, blog posts and articles. Research and create interesting content that your targeted audience will find valuable. This is one of the best ways to expand your network and to start engaging with your followers.
Networking: Always try to make new network connections. Have a look at what your competition is busy doing, connect with groups and see where your potential audience spends their time online. If you know where they are and what they are talking about you will be able to join in on the conversation. This always starts with listening first.
Local focus: Look at your local audience and setup your business with Google Places, Foursquare and any other relevant local online service to enhance your potential PR towards your consumers.
What questions can you answer?: Try to monitor and research the questions that people ask online that are relevant to your business. Can you help them solve a problem and query? If you can provide good and relevant answers to questions people might have, you can build up credibility as the expert in your niche. This is a very good way to build a following of people who are interested in what you have to say. Have a look at LinkedIn answers.
Never allow yourself to be left behind in this digital age. Of course you are busy with building up your social media presence online, but take notice of the people engaging with your activity. Are there enough activity to say that your campaign is a success or do you think you should enhance your PR and marketing methods?