LinkedIn has become a social media powerhouse for entrepreneurs. Any company not utilizing LinkedIn for social media marketing is missing out. Some tips are offered here as a means to help you integrate your LinkedIn account with social media marketing.
LinkedIn provides an account page where you create a profile. This profile is a lot like a Fan Page on Facebook. You have administration access for your company page. The overview section should be filled in first when you start your account. Use SEO keywords as much as you can as a means to marketing your page.
If you have services or products, start the set up for this tab. LinkedIn allows you to show your services and products to your consumers. A full list of what you do or sell is important along with images, descriptions, key features, and your URL. If possible you should have a video. Video as a social media tool is quite helpful. In fact it is the best social media marketing tool you can use with your LinkedIn account. It provides a way for someone to learn more about you and what you sell with visual elements rather than just reading about it.
The next part to integrating LinkedIn with your social media marketing is to encourage friends and family as well as other businesses to comment or recommend products and services. Peer recommendations provide reviews for new consumers to feel more comfortable about your products.
Keep an eye on your page’s analytics to determine how many visits you receive and those who like to visit your site. It can help you market your actual website with other methods a little better too.
Social media marketing is about more than LinkedIn. You have Facebook and Twitter accounts too. LinkedIn allows you to post your website and all relevant business information. Utilize these spots to put a link between all social media accounts as a means to drive traffic to and from all other pages you run.
LinkedIn like Facebook and Twitter has status update options. Anyone can follow a company, which means you need to get into the habit of posting important updates. Some will tell you status messages should be given each day; however, you need relevant postings. If you have nothing to say avoid writing anything. You could post a link to a helpful news tip that has a relevance to your site. The key is relevance when you work on social media marketing.