If you are busy using social media marketing strategies for your business, I’m pretty sure you are marketing on this medium to generate leads, sales and to showcase that you are social. A couple of years ago social media was all a buzz online where you had to be on social media to get the upper hand above your competitors. These days it’s all about not falling behind and showing the world that you take customer service seriously – especially when it’s on the public domain.
Even if you are already busy with your social media campaign and have been posting and sharing content, are you actually engaging with people online – especially your target audience? Chances are if you are not getting many new followers, mentions or favourites, you are doing something wrong.
If you are using Twitter and this is happening to you, find a couple of tips below that can help you get more followers that are interested in your business.
Twitter follower tips
- It’s a fact that you should be active on Twitter if you want to be seen. Post and share content on a regular basis. You must have heard this before, but it’s a fact. You have to post a couple of updates on a daily basis to be seen.
- Post relevant, unique and interesting content. Post regular updates on your website and blog and share this with your Twitter followers. Take note that you shouldn’t only be posting your own content. Take time and share other people’s content as well that is relevant to your business.
- If you don’t have the time to post regularly, schedule posts to go out at specific times. You still have to monitor any responses you receive from your posts.
- Social media is social and so you have to play the role of being social. Engage with people and share their content. Ask questions and give answers where necessary. Take the time to learn how the platform search works and how you can find other people to engage with.
- Don’t ignore people that are mentioning, asking questions or simply retweeting you.