Social media is a way of giving

Social media is a way of giving

Social media is not about yourself and your business, but what value you can provide your target audience. It’s a way of giving and humanizing your brand on the social web. It should never just be focused on what you are doing and how good your services and...
Starting with social media is easier than you think

Starting with social media is easier than you think

Social media is still a buzz word for many even though it has been around for a quite a while. If you are a business owner, there are many methods you can use to promote and build awareness for your business online. Social media is a great online marketing method that...
Off page SEO elements that can affect your rankings

Off page SEO elements that can affect your rankings

Did you know that search engine optimization consists of on page and and off page SEO elements that affects your organic rankings on the search engines? On page SEO is all the elements concerning your physical website and off page SEO involves everything...
Customer service on social media

Customer service on social media

About 62% of customers are already using social media regarding customer service issues. This is going to affect your business, traffic to your website, and most importantly your sales. To get ahead of this new trend you need social media marketing and strategies....