As an internet marketer, you want your target audience to interact and engage with you on your website. This may mean requesting for more information, buying a product or service you offer or joining your mailing list. Creative designers will want something else on their website to display their talent and designs that they have made.
If you have an E-commerce site, conversions on your online shop is all about building trust and emphasizing in great detail that your products are the best. It’s a fact that a professional website that is focused on UI/UX will outsell flashy websites with an over the top design. Your e-commerce website is the portrait frame of your content and the picture is your products.
Find below a couple of tips on how you can design your e-commerce site to increase your conversion rate.
E-commerce website conversion tips
First look: Your design should always look professional and trustworthy, but never overdo your design. Focus on user experience with light backgrounds. Avoid dark colours. Use only a number of fonts. The design of your online store should be trusted straight away.
Banners: Your website visitors will most likely notice only the first image if you are using banners in a sequence and then move onto what they were looking for. Be descriptive with your banners and choose the sequence correctly.
Page width: Most of your best shopping carts online uses a width of 100% instead of a fixed narrow width. If you are using a narrow design, it means your website visitors will have to scroll down forever if you have long product lists in your categories.
Navigation: Use simple categories for your products and organize them to follow on each other. You can do this by sorting them into higher level categories. Reduce the number of options your website visitors have to choose because you don’t want to overwhelm them and scare them away.